Wednesday, December 23, 2009

I need advice on very long distance romance.?

I am in the US, he is in East Asia. He sounds awesome, he emails me twice a day everyday. He wants to call me now. Do I really have anything to worry about? Is it dangerous to just email flirt with somebody? He talking very serious very quick though. What do you think? As long as he doesn't ask me to cash his inheritance check, it should be okay, right?I need advice on very long distance romance.?
Yeah, it's ok to flirt. Just be careful about giving him personal information. If you ever decide to meet in person, make sure you meet him during the day and in a public place. Good luck!I need advice on very long distance romance.?
keep talking to him but just be safe and dont give him your important info like where you live, where you work, times your away from home stuff like that. Remember talking is fine as long as your safe.
yeah just be careful about the information you give him. and if decide to ever meet in person make SURE its legit.
Very interesting that ur avatar looks male and that u refer to the ';other'; as ';he';. HMMMMMMMMM....................

Stop eflirting and walk around the neighbourhood for awhile.

Do you think he may have murdered someone to be receiving an inheritance cheque?
Sure, why not?

Just don't do anything stupid.

'Nough said.
I don't care how great he sounds. Don't do it. It's hard enough to keep a man from straying when he's in the city much less that far. If he is a HE at all. As a kid I made this mistake falling for someone online. Trust me. It's pathetic and it turned out to be a girl in El Paso lmao
i think u should be extra careful specially since u don't talk face to face with him u never know.
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just fast forward.... he calls, u video chat, everything is great, u fall in love, u miss him, u miss him, u miss him, it gets too much, u break up. save urself some time. date a local guy.
I would be very careful about dating ppl online girl. Take your time. I wouldn't be too sure about giving someone your phone number.
flirt is fine as long as you don't give him your address.

long distance relationship contains alot od danger. sorry . but it is the truth.

the Man should come to the Woman . if he likes you this much . ask him to come here with out you providing him with any kind of help .... money or VISA . or might even send you money and ask you to go there and merry him . becareful and DONOT leave your homeland. and here is why ...

in 2007, 23,147 American Females been in your problem. and they help thier men to come to the U.S.

thier men SCAMED them very very good . showed them true love and loyelty where it seems like that they are the perfect men. by U.S. Law .. when you merry an immegrent will make him a legal statuesin the states where he will become an american later ... and thats what they want ..... but they wont be able to do it with out a lady .. so he found you .... the way to the U.S. . so in order to get here . he have to SCAM you . do not buy that .. WAKE UP . think about it ... how come he could not find his love over there? blah blah blah what ever he is ganna tell you .. do not buy it . iam serious WAKE UP

and tell him this ..... if he want you . he should coe on his own . do not send him any thing and i mean anything or fill any paper .

STOP STOP STOP proofing to the world that Americans are easy to SCAM .

good luck

always your best answer
wtf r u doing dating soemone that llives in asia?


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